Hillary Clinton's Libya fiasco did grave damage to US intelligence

Washington Times:
Hillary Rodham Clinton’s 2011 campaign to drive Moammar Gadhafi from power did significant damage to U.S. intelligence, according to a top Libyan aide and U.S. intelligence officials.

The Libyan dictator provided regular reports to the CIA that helped capture or kill key al Qaeda figures and thwart terrorist attacks against American targets overseas, those sources said.

The Libyan regime, for instance, helped U.S. forces kill a key al Qaeda operative of a suicide attack on a U.S. air field in Afghanistan in 2007 when Vice President Dick Cheney was visiting.

SEE ALSO: Exclusive: Secret tapes undermine Hillary Clinton on Libyan war

It also helped foil a plan to attack the U.S. Embassy in Nigeria in 2005, according to U.S. intelligence sources who spoke to The Washington Times on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the media.

“The Gadhafi regime was a productive source for counterterrorism intelligence,” said a former senior intelligence official who was personally familiar with the information-sharing arrangement the U.S. had with Libya. “The relationship was healthy enough that even Mousa Koussa [the head of Libyan intelligencefrom 1994 to 2009] visited the CIA during the [George W.] Bush administration years.”

The American officials’ accounts were corroborated by former Gadhafi aide Mohammed Ismael, who told The Times that his former boss authorized significant intelligence-sharing with the U.S. during the war on terrorism, especially relating to al Qaeda’s expansion into North Africa.
There is much more.

Libyan intelligence also helped the US with targeted drone strikes that took out several al Qaeda leaders in Pakistan.  But not only has the US lost this intelligence, but Libya is now a chaotic haven for terrorist the way Afghanistan was before 9-11.  The overthrow of the Libyan government also armed the enemy because Clinton and Obama had no plan to secure its weapon stockpiles.


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