Obama alienating voters in US and Israel

NY Times:

Talk Toughens as U.S. and Israel’s Relations Fray

What started out as a dispute over Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s planned speech to Congress about the dangers of a nuclear deal with Iran has consumed both sides, threatening long-term consequences.
Obama has a team of intellectual lightweights trying to sell a deal with Iran to Israel as if they have nothing at stake in the matter and he knows better than they what their security situation is.   He blithely ignores the genocidal ambitions of Iran and pushes a deal that does not do enough to prevent that country from developing and building nuclear weapons to attack Israel and dominate others in the region.  The Israelis are not the only ones who don't trust Iran or the Obama team negotiating the deal with Iran.  The response to that distrust is to lash out with insults.  That is not much of a confidence builder for those with the most at stake in a deal to which they are not allowed to be a party because of the religious bigotry of Iran.

The "tough talk" reveals Obama's peevishness when people disagree with him.  There are many voters in the US who feel the same way those in Israel feel about this deal and this administration lacks the political skills to persuade them either.  This could have long term negative consequences for the Democrats who support Obama in this endeavor.


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