Voters do not believe the IRS story on the emails

Fox News:
The consensus is: it’s no accident. More than three-quarters of voters -- 76 percent -- think the emails missing from the account of Lois Lerner, the ex-IRS official at the center of the scandal over targeting of conservative groups, were deliberately destroyed.

That’s according to a new Fox News poll.

That suspicion is shared across party lines, albeit to varying degrees. An overwhelming 90 percent of Republicans think the emails were intentionally destroyed, as do 74 percent of independents and 63 percent of Democrats.


Overall, just 12 percent of voters believe the emails were destroyed accidentally. Another 12 percent are unsure.
Democrats are in trouble on this issue and they are making it worse by pretending that it is not a problem.  By turning the IRS into a Democrat attack dog they have undermined the credibility of that agency, possibly irrevocably.


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