Outside of liberal newsrooms Wendy Davis's filibuster was a bust

NY Times:

For Wendy Davis, Filibuster Goes Only So Far in Race to Be Governor of Texas

Wendy Davis’s campaign for governor is expected to set a fund-raising record, but even supporters point to missteps in her race and question her chances at election.
Davis's filibuster did not change any minds.  At best it made liberals feel better about their support for abortions, but those who oppose abortion were also energized to oppose her.  In Texas there are more who oppose abortion than support it.  Her fund raising has not change that dynamic.  It also can't hide the fact that she is not a good candidate.  She seems to be constantly lurching from one gaffe to the next trying to come up with a message to attract conservative voters to her brand of liberalism.  It just is not working.  She and her funding sources may have bought into the myth of changing demographics as a solution to selling liberalism in Texas, but the voters have not.


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