Majority hold Obama responsible for border fiasco

The public largely blames President Obama for the flood of children who have poured over the border in recent weeks, creating a growing humanitarian crisis, according to the latest IBD/TIPP Poll released Monday.

The late June survey found that the public largely blames Obama policies for the crisis in Iraq and believes the lost IRS emails are an administration effort to cover up wrongdoing at the agency.

The poll found that 59% of those closely following the immigration crisis agree that "current administration policies and lack of focus on securing the border" are behind the human tide of illegal crossings. Six in 10 say that the children should be ordered to leave the country. (The survey found that 73% of Americans are following this story closely.)
There is more.

None of the poll results bode well for the President or for Democrats who have been defending the IRS and have watched Democrats try to avoid responsibility for the problems on the border. What is interesting is how aware the voters are about the problem despite the attempts of the main stream media to ignore the news.


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