Who Knew?

 The Cannon:

Inflation is the Result of Washington’s Poor Decisions


Of course, those responsible for soaring prices and sapping savings are Washington D.C. policymakers. A majority of the nation’s elected class—comprised of members of every political stripe—seem to have developed a penchant for reckless fiscal and monetary policies, both of which are driving inflation higher. Those twin policy perils generally manifest as deficit spending and money printing, neither of which is good for the long-term health of the American consumer.

Thus, the problem is clear: Washington, D.C. has a spending problem that, in large part, is being propped up by debt and the Federal Reserve. Because of this, ordinary Americans are left to bear the consequences, be it in the form of higher taxes, diminished purchasing power, shrinking economic opportunity, or some combination of all three. And while virtually everyone is left worse off as a result, some people, like those residing in the DFW area, bear a greater burden than others.

Wreckless spending by the Biden administration is primarily responsible for the highest inflation in years.  Getting the administration to take responsibility for the damage it has done is a fruitless task.  This inflation is something that people feel every time they go to the grocery store or out to eat.  They also feel if they have to buy a new vehicle. 


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