Biden reads the polls and changes his border policies?

 Red State:

In an interview with Spanish-language channel Univision, President Joe Biden indicated that he will use an executive order to close the southern border. Color me skeptical.

It's correct, of course, that the president, as the chief executive of the executive branch of the federal government, has broad powers to control immigration at the borders.

This, of course, begs the question: Why now? Why not three years ago, when he took office? Why not two years ago, when illegal immigration was already exploding?

This may be one of the reasons. President Biden is absolutely upside-down in the RealClearPolitics polling averages on a variety of issues, and immigration is one of the big ones. The American people disapprove of his handling of immigration (and, necessarily, the borders) by a two-to-one margin. But that's not the worst news from the world of polling averages; as of this writing, the RealClearPolitics average of a two-way presidential race between Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump has Trump holding a narrow lead, while the average of polls including third-party candidates Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Jill Stein, and Cornel West have Trump holding a larger lead. At the moment, Trump is also holding a lead in most of the battleground states that either candidate will need for an Electoral College win.

This announcement, coming at this point in the election cycle where, conventions notwithstanding, the race has narrowed down to the two major-party candidates, smacks of desperation on the part of the Biden campaign. After months of claiming that the border was secure, Democrats are starting to come around to the ongoing crisis that is our southern border, and the Biden administration seems to be on the trailing edge of a realization that this may well cost Democrats big losses in November.

Biden is doing this after allowing between seven million to ten million illegals into the country.  Trump has consistently supported a border policy that would exclude illegals. 


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