Biden accused of lying about 17,000 mile trip with Chicom leader

 Federalist Wire:


On Thursday of last week, President Joe Biden attended a Greek Independence Day Reception where he was spewing more lies yet again.

Over the years, Biden has gotten in the habit of embellishing stories or straight up lying about events that happened to him.

That was the case again on Thursday when he told a repeated lie about an instance where he and Chinese President Xi Jinping traveled 17,000 miles in Tibet.

“I was once asked by Xi Jinping in – I traveled 17,000 miles with him in Tibet. I was on the Tibetan Plateau. And he looked at me, and he said to me, ‘Can you define America?'” Biden said.

“And I could say the same thing if he asked me to define Greece. I said, ‘Yes, one word,’ – and I mean this sincerely; it’s reg- it’s recorded. I said, ‘One word: possibilities.’ ‘Possibilities.'”

Despite his claims, no evidence has been revealed that proves that Biden and Xi traveled 17,000 miles together.

As mentioned before, the president has told this story numerous times and it’s been fact-checked before.

Glenn Kessler, a fact checker for the Washington Post, gave Biden “bottomless Pinocchios” in 2022 for the made-up story.

In 2021, Kessler noted that Biden has been telling this same story since 2016. Each time he tells the story, he provides no evidence to prove that it’s true.

Catherine Kim, an editor for Politico, detailed recently how former President Donald Trump is the one who actually has a friendlier relationship with Xi. President Biden can’t exactly say the same according to Kim.

The circumference of the earth is 24,901 miles.  Why would Biden and Xi travel 17,000 miles together?

See also:

Ex-DNC chair Donna Brazile frets 'nobody listens' when Biden talks

Biden has been criticized for avoiding interviews with mainstream journalists


 Biden repeats lie about being the first in his family to go to college — decades after admitting it’s not true


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