Biden's caught monetizing the office of the Vice President

 Karen Townsend:

For a man who says he knows nothing about his son’s business dealings, Joe Biden keeps popping up in emails that point to a different conclusion. That laptop of Hunter Biden’s that most of the American media has chosen to ignore has produced another interesting story. As attorney Jonathan Turley reasons, it appears that Joe Biden is, in fact, aware that his son peddles influence and helped him do so as vice-president.

It appears that Hunter Biden and his business partner Jeff Cooper flew on Air Force Two with Joe to Mexico, much as he flew with his father to China, in pursuit of a “flippin gigantic” deal. If you want to know about emails discovered on that laptop Hunter dropped off for repair and then forgot to pick it up, looking on most American news websites is futile. A few conservative sites write about the emails that continue to trickle out from Hunter’s laptop but mostly you have to go to a site like the Daily Mail to get the scoop. This story stinks to high heaven, as do most stories involving Hunter’s pursuits of cashing in on the family name. Biden, Inc. is big business and the American press doesn’t want to know about it. They are far too busy protecting Joe.

Oh. A private meeting with Daddy Joe and the Mexican billionaires. At the White House. In the vice-president’s office. All arranged by Hunter. This was after the group of men Hunter and Cooper were pursuing for the deal all smiled and hugged it out at the vice-presidential residence.

There may have, in fact, been multiple White House meetings. Hunter is reported to have asked White House photographer David Lienemann for photos of the Alemán family with his business partner and father in 2014. This happened the same month that Hunter sent his business partner Devon Archer (and fellow Burisma board member) a Forbes article titled ‘How Oil Reforms Could Trigger Mexico’s Biggest Economic Boom In A Century’. By the end of 2014, Cooper was asking for “anyone from Burisma” to attend a meeting with Mexico’s Secretary of Energy and the CEO of Pemex in January 2015. Hunter was linking his Burisma connections with the Mexico deal.

It wasn’t just an oil deal they were pursuing. There were other plans that also included Carlos Slim, Latin America’s richest man. Stephen Green over at our sister site, PJ Media, reminds us that at the time, Carlos Slim was the largest shareholder in the New York Times.

Any of this raise red flags with our brave firefighters in the media? No? They continue to do their best ostrich impersonations. Joe must be protected at all times. According to the Daily Mail piece, Hunter had been trying to snag Carlos Slim as a business partner since 2010. Gosh. What was going on in 2010? Oh, right, That was an early year of the Obama – Biden administration. Prime time for some influence peddling, amirite?

The emails from the laptop confirm that in February 2016, Hunter told Magnani that Daddy Joe was flying him and a business partner on Air Force Two to Mexico City. Once there, he and Cooper were to meet with the Mexican president.

As Jonathan Turley’s analysis points out, Hunter’s business partner Jeff Cooper ran Illinois-based SimmonsCooper. It is “one of the largest asbestos litigation firms in the country. Hunter was given 3 percent of Cooper’s venture capital firm Eudora Global, according to emails. President Biden’s brother (who featured in past controversial deals) was also reportedly involved in some of these efforts.” The family that grifts together, stays together.

As Turley points out, this latest bombshell from Hunter’s laptop, just adds to previous ones. From the Burisma dealings to China trips on Air Force Two in pursuit of deals, to Tony Bobulinski calling Joe Biden “the Big Guy” who always gets 10%, it is easy to say that if Hunter’s last name wasn’t Biden, he’d be in a heap of trouble. And, for that matter, so would his father. Unlike the past four years, the press is now in sleep mode.

The reason you are not seeing much of this information in the mainstream media is that most of them are as corrupt as the Biden family when it comes to the coverup of how the Biden's monetized the office of the Vice President.  It is like they are part of a giant protection racket when it comes to Biden corruption. 


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