The defund the police movement has been the criminals best friend

 Washington Examiner Editorial:

We must invest less in police and more in social workers,” President Joe Biden’s Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke wrote in June of 2020. Clarke went on to say the Black Lives Matter movement slogan to “defund the police” is a “unifying call” that “speaks to the urgency of reform for African Americans and other people of color who continue to experience harsh and overly punitive policing.”

But this isn't true. The real danger to black lives is not that there are too many police but that there are too few.

FBI statistics for 2020 won’t be available until September. But according to the Gun Violence Archive, 19,410 people were killed by firearms in 2020, an increase of more than 25% from 2019. Murder hits black communities the hardest. In recent years, black people have consistently accounted for more than half of homicide victims despite comprising just 13% of the population.

For context in the national debate about race and policing, the Washington Post’s police shooting database reveals that a grand total of 60 unarmed men were shot dead by police in 2020, of whom 18 were black.

Ideally, the number would be zero, not 18. But approximately 10,000 black people were killed by people other than police last year. That is obviously a much larger problem than the one obsessed over by the Left, which trumpets its concern for racial sensitivity. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that the leading cause of death for black males under age 44 is homicide. The 18 people shot by police are not the issue.


Clarke and others who have pushed the defund movement are intellectual lightweights at best.  The majority of the black community and the non-Democrat whites know the defund movement is a huge mistake that is getting people killed and also leading to more crime of other types.  Voters need to reject all who support the defund movement including people like Biden.  Some of the original supporters of this movement are BLM members, but the only black lives that matter to that group are alleged criminals resisting arrest.  And if they really cared about those people that would counsel them not to resist arrest in the first place.


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