Alleged Republicans who would rather have the evils of liberalism than a President who has achieve GOP objectives

NY Times:

Get Republicans to Vote Against Trump? This Group Will Spend $10 Million to Try

A new organization, Republican Voters Against Trump, is testing the premise of whether
there are really any persuadable voters left.
These people are nuts.

When it comes to evil objectives, the left in this country out paces Trump by a significant decree.  The policies of the left kill jobs and create government dependency.  They make the country weaker economically and militarily.

Trump has reversed the left's grip on the courts which they used in the past to get polices that could not get approved at the ballot box.  He has demonstrated how you can grow the economy by getting the government out of the way.  He has dealt effectively with a Chicom pandemic.  I see no reason why any conservative would ever vote against Trump.

What we have also learned is that the Obama administration was one of the most corrupt in history, using the assets of US intelligence to spy on domestic political enemies and attempting to criminalize political opponents.  We have also learned that the media became willing co-conspirators in this corruption, along with high officials in the FBI and DOJ.  These people should be brought to justice and not put back in office.


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