The Democrat politicians disgusting attempt to push fraudulent and misleading claims against their political enemies

Katie Pavlich:
A Mueller do-over won’t yield different results, no matter how many statements Nadler makers.

Which brings us to this week.

After The New York Times ran a story with a “new” sexual misconduct allegation against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Democrats wasted no time calling for his impeachment. Those running for president were especially fast in doing so.

“I sat through those hearings. Brett Kavanaugh lied to the U.S. Senate and most importantly to the American people. He was put on the Court through a sham process and his place on the Court is an insult to the pursuit of truth and justice. He must be impeached,” Sen. Kalama Harris (D-Calif.) said.

“Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation should have never happened in the first place. It was the result of a broken process designed by Senate Republicans to brush aside deeply troubling and credible allegations,” Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) piled on. “This new allegation and additional corroborating evidence adds to a long list of reasons why Brett Kavanaugh should not be a Supreme Court justice. I stand with survivors and countless other Americans in calling for impeachment proceedings to begin.”

“Last year the Kavanaugh nomination was rammed through the Senate without a thorough examination of the allegations against him. Confirmation is not exoneration, and these newest revelations are disturbing. Like the man who appointed him, Kavanaugh should be impeached.,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) added.

But after running the story for 24 hours, the Times issued a correction and noted that the woman in question doesn’t remember the incident.

“An earlier version of this article, which was adapted from a forthcoming book, did not include one element of the book’s account regarding an assertion by a Yale classmate that friends of Brett Kavanaugh pushed his penis into the hand of a female student at a drunken dorm party,” an editor’s note states. “The book reports that the female student declined to be interviewed and friends say that she does not recall the incident. That information has been added to the article.”

No recollection of an incident means there is no victim. With no victim, there isn’t a story. Regardless, because Kavanaugh was appointed to the Supreme Court by President Trump, he must be destroyed.

Democrats and again their allies in the media, conveniently ignore the facts of Kavanaugh’s confirmation process and the investigations surrounding the hearings.

The Senate Judiciary Committee, stocked with investigators from both sides of the political aisle, released a 400-page report in November 2018. In it, investigators explain how multiple accusations against Kavanaugh were investigated, who they interviewed and whether evidence or corroboration verified the claims against him.

“After an extensive investigation that included the thorough review of all potentially credible evidence submitted and interviews of more than 40 individuals with information relating to the allegations, including classmates and friends of all those involved, Committee investigators found no witness who could provide any verifiable evidence to support any of the allegations brought against Justice Kavanaugh,” the report states. “In other words, following the separate and extensive investigations by both the Committee and the FBI, there was no evidence to substantiate any of the claims of sexual assault made against Justice Kavanaugh.”

These are the facts on Kavanaugh. They will not change.
These attempts at do-overs of the President's election and of Kavanaugh's confirmation show a bad faith attempt to reverse political losses by Democrats.  They should not only be rejected, but they also show Democrat politicians at their most dishonest and good reason to reject them at the polls.


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