Eliminating the drone threat with one shot?

Jerusalem Post:
While drones and other incendiary aerial devices are cheap and usually toys that can be bought on the civilian market, they are fast and remain a challenge even for skilled sharpshooters. The appeal of such unmanned aircraft, which can also be small enough to evade air-defense systems, has pushed many companies to scramble to come up with breakthrough technology to take them out.

But a new system developed by Smart Shooter, the SMASH 2000, to take out drones might be the answer militaries are looking for.
“Since drones have become a very serious threat all over the world, we began to think of how we could use the system against drones,” Mazor said, explaining that SMASH 2000 can hit moving targets on the ground and in the sky.

“If you are capable of hitting moving targets, we don’t care if the target is on the ground, such as terrorists in the terminal, terrorists on the battlefield, or a drone in the sky,” he said.

We have to adapt the algorithm and a few other things, but basically we are facing the same challenge – how to hit moving targets,” he said.

Even with no experience with rifles or the system, the author, during a visit to a range in northern Israel with company representatives, was able to take down moving targets at over 200 meters away, including several balloons, with the help of SMASH 2000 attached to the M4 rifle used. The author became a smart shooter.

“The need for such a system comes from the place where soldiers in combat need to operate in very tense scenarios and do things very fast and accurately under a tremendous amount of physical and mental pressure,” another representative from the company told the Post while demonstrating the system at the range.

“Exactly the same way it locks on a target on the ground, it locks on a target in the air,” he said.

With the system, the user selects and locks onto the target, and as soon as the trigger is squeezed, the system calculates the target’s movement and predicts its next location by means of advanced image processing and algorithms. SMASH 2000 prevents the bullet being fired until the target is precisely in its crosshairs.
The Israelis are using the system to defeat Hamas attacks from Gaza and Hezballah attacks from Lebanon.  The system would also be effective for US forces dealing with drone attacks in Syria and Iraq.


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