Is the left promoting violence?

Karl Notturno:
For the past few years, members of the media have called Donald Trump a threat to democracyand a treasonous traitor, all while repeatedly intimating that he is mentally unfit to serve as president. And that was just what was printed in the New York Times.

CNN and MSNBC, as a matter of routine coverage, say that the president is stupid, evil, and dangerous. And those are supposedly mainstream news sources.

Huffington Post suggested that Trump is a proponent of eugenics. The New Republic ran the headline, “Yes, Trump is a Fascist.” And Salon is more than happy to compare Trump to Hitler.

Outside of the news-media, actors and celebrities frequently have gone much further.

Eric Holder said that Democrats should “kick” their opponents. Joe Biden said he would like to “beat the hell”out of Trump. Maxine Waters called for the public harassment of Trump’s cabinet members. Hillary Clinton said that Democrats could not be civil until they regained power. And Barack Obama called Trump a “threat to our democracy.”

So, how exactly are Democrats and leftists supposed to react to what they have been told is a treasonous, insane, dangerous president who is a threat to our democracy? If people truly believed that they were witnessing the rise of the next Hitler and the destruction of American democracy, is it unreasonable to think that some would act violently?

After all, commentators at MSNBC repeatedly have suggested that Trump’s refrain that the fake news media is the “enemy of the American People” constitutes a threat and could incite violence. The New York Times calls the phrase “the pet locution of autocrats.” If the media is happy to condemn that rhetoric as potentially inciting violence, do they really believe that their own constant suggestion that Trump is treasonous and dangerous has no effect?

So, let’s get this straight. The media can compare Trump to Hitler all day, question his sanity, and intimate that he is evil and incompetent. All without bearing any responsibility for any anti-Trump violence. But the moment that Trump calls himself a nationalist, he is suddenly responsible for the actions of an anti-Trump anti-Semite?

When members of Antifa are violent, Don Lemon is happy to say “no organization is perfect.” When police officers in Baton Rouge were shot in 2016 by a black separatist in the midst of heightened tensions and Black Lives Matter protests, he was happy to play dumb and say that he didn’t know that the two events were connected. But when CNN has a pipe bomb scare, Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo are happy to make all sorts of connections before all the facts are in.
What the media cannot seem to get is that Trump's attacks on their credibility are a result of their own unfair attacks on him.  If they were to treat him fairly, it is likely the attacks would stop.  But they decided early own that they did not owe Trump fair reporting and were pretty upfront about doing so.  If you act like someone who is out to attack unfairly, do not expect your target to be a stoic punching bag for your attacks.

By making these unfair attacks on the President the media has done great damage to its own credibility, but it can't seem to take a breath and consider changing course.


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