The 'racist oppression' libel by the left

Dennis Prager:
But perhaps the second greatest libel -- and certainly the most widespread -- is that America is a racist country that oppresses its minorities -- and women. We can call it the American Libel.

Now, I hasten to add that no one is being tortured to death as a result of this libel, as Jews were because of the Blood Libel, and, of course, no communities are being slaughtered as Jews were.

But the American Libel should be regarded as one of the great libels of history.

That America today oppresses minorities and women is as far from the truth as was Jews using Christian blood for matzo. Indeed, no country in the world is so accepting of minorities as fellow citizens as America. A third-generation German of Turkish descent is still regarded by most Germans as Turkish. But a first-generation Turkish -- or Nigerian or Chinese -- immigrant to America is regarded simply as one more American.

American Jews should be the first to denounce the American Libel. No country in history has ever been as welcoming, accepting and honoring of Jews as America. American Jews are a living refutation of the American Libel.
Take, for example, this morally odious statement issued last week by the San Francisco 49ers NFL team:

"For more than a year, members of our team have protested the oppression and social injustices still present in our society."

Or a column by a Muslim writer in the HuffPost:

"The oppression they (blacks) face is much greater than the bigotry I (a Muslim) face. It is a racism and oppression rooted in our culture."
It is a great lie. But it is the dominant narrative of the society. And, as lies are the root of evil, this lie must lead to something awful.

It has already begun to:

First, vast numbers of nonwhites are being raised to believe that America hates them. This should be considered a form of child abuse.

Second, the charge that America is a land of oppression has utterly cheapened the word "oppression." The truly oppressed of the world will have to find a new word to express their condition. If blacks and women in America are oppressed, what word shall we use to describe the condition of Christians in Iraq or Egypt? Of gays in Iran? Of women in much of the Muslim world? Of the Untouchables in India? Kurds in Turkey?
It is worth reading in full.

The NFL protests started because of the "hands up, don't shoot" lie that came out of the Ferguson, Missouri protest following the death of a strong arm robber who tried to take a cops gun and refused to stop in his attack on the officer.   It is a myth that a large number of unarmed black men have been killed by the cops.  There have been a few such killings but they pale in comparison to the hundreds of black men killed by other black men.  FBI statistics show that cops are 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black man than cops who have killed unarmed blacks.


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