Lies of the anti-gun left

Erick Erickson:
It takes six months in America to get an x-ray, but you can buy an AR-15 immediately. That is one of the lies pushed by gun control advocates in the United States. It is easier to buy a gun in the United States than vote. Never mind that one needs photographic identification to do the former and, in still many places, not the later. But again, this is a lie pushed by gun control advocates.

The very people who tell us Donald Trump is a fascist would have us hand over all our guns to him. The very people who demand Christians provide goods and services to certain weddings or be put out of business tell us we can trust them with our freedom if we give up our guns. The problem with gun control arguments in the United States is that so many of the gun control advocates lie. Having never touched a gun, let alone fired one, they make stuff up. We see this routinely in the news media.

After the tragedy in Las Vegas, the media declared the shooter firing an automatic rifle. He did no so such thing. He used a bump stock, which is a device that causes a semi-automatic gun to increase its rate of fire. But, and this is important, it does not convert a semi-automatic gun into an automatic gun, though the media would have you believe that. It is also important to note it was the Obama Administration’s ATF that okayed bump stocks. CBS News, having failed at claiming the shooter used an automatic weapon declared the shooter had used “automatic rounds” in his gun. Such things do not exist.

Not only has the American media and political left lied about guns, they have also exaggerated mass shootings. According to their preferred statistics, mass shootings in the United States are common and increasing. In fact, they are rather uncommon and are decreasing. To show otherwise, the left includes home owners protecting their property, hunting accidents, police shootings, gang land shootings, home accidents, etc. You and I may hear “mass shooting” and think of an event like Columbine, Newtown, or Las Vegas. The left hears it and thinks of a gang drive by.
It is difficult to have an honest debate about issues if one side is either ignorant or dishonest.  Most of the "solutions" pushed by opponents of 2nd Amendment rights involve punishing the innocents who had nothing to do with the crime perpetrated by a deranged person.


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