FBI interviewed former spy who compiled dirty dossier

Washington Times:
Investigators for special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. election have reportedly spoken with the former British spy who compiled the controversial anti-Trump dossier.

According to sources who spoke on condition of anonymity to CNN, the meeting with Christopher Steele took place this past summer in Europe.

Financed by supporters of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, the dossier contains allegations about President Trump and his ties to Russia. Mr. Steele wrote it in 2016 with support from Washington, DC-based political opposition firm Fusion GPS before it was published by the online news service Buzzfeed just before January’s inauguration.

Since then the brunt of the dossier’s major allegations have been disproved — or placed in doubt — particularly those relying upon unnamed Kremlin sources.

On Wednesday at a press conference updating Congress’ top investigation on the Russia issue, leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee said they’d “hit a wall” with Mr. Steele, who had declined to be interviewed. Chairman Sen. Richard Burr said the committee made multiple attempts to meet the former British intelligence officer, but the “offers have gone unaccepted.”

Questions over Mr. Steele’s relationship with the American intelligence community have long caused intrigue in Washington.
What should be blindingly obvious by now is that the dossier was part of a Russian operation to disrupt both campaigns in the US.  Why the media and Congress have not come to this conclusion is baffling.  I suspect it is because the Democrats are the ones crying wolf and trying to put the Trump campaign on the defensive rather than seeing the truth of the situation.

This because obvious to me when I saw the emails that Donald Trump, Jr. released about his meeting with a Russian lawyer who claimed to have dirt on Hillary Clinton.  The Russian lawyer also had ties to Fusion GPS which was behind the distribution of the dirty dossier.  If Mueller missed this, he and his staff are not doing their jobs.


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