Putin says sanctions are not working to stop Nork nuke program

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said pursuing further sanctions against North Korea is "useless", saying "they'd rather eat grass than give up their nuclear programme".

The US said on Monday it would table a new UN resolution on tougher sanctions in the wake of the latest test of a nuclear bomb by the North on Sunday.

Mr Putin also said that the ramping up of "military hysteria" could lead to global catastrophe.

He said diplomacy was the only answer.
He was doing pretty good until he made that last statement.  There is about as much evidence that diplomacy will work as there is that sanctions will work.  Neither appears to effect North Korea's ambitions at all.   Diplomacy has only given the North Koreans more time to develop their weapons systems and has not hindered them in the least.

If the North Koreans would "rather eat grass" than give up their nukes, exactly what compromise would they make in a diplomatic solution and how many minutes would they keep their commitments.  The fact is that their word is worthless.


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