Left wing activist trying to make money off of Hurricane Harvey

Washington Times:
Activists are discouraging Hurricane Harvey donors from giving to the American Red Cross and urging them instead to contribute to left-wing causes, some of which are advocacy groups engaged in little if any emergency relief work.

Linda Sarsour, a prominent Muslim and feminist activist, sent out a tweet encouraging donors to give to the Texas Organizing Project Education Fund, which conducts “direct action organizing, grass-roots lobbying and electoral organizing led by working families in Texas.”

“TOP is one of many organizations on this list you can choose to support,” Ms. Sarsour said in a Wednesday tweet that included the #NoRedCross hashtag. “Grassroots orgs on ground. Long term needed.”

SEE ALSO: Trump pledging $1 million of personal money for Harvey relief

The Texas Organizing Project, which has fought Texas voter ID laws and supported sanctuary-state status, is part of the Hurricane Harvey Community Relief Fund, a coalition that includes labor groups such as the Service Employees International Union as well as Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid.

“Together we will organize and advocate for our devastated communities, shining a spotlight on inequalities that emerge in the restoration of lives, livelihoods and homes, amplifying the needs of hard-hit communities, and providing legal assistance for residents wrongfully denied government support,” the coalition says on its fundraising page.

The conservative site Twitchy opined, “DISGUSTING: Linda Sarsour is soliciting donations for a liberal political group masquerading as a Harvey relief fund,” while the Federalist’s Sean Davis called it a scam.
If you want to make sure that the money goes to flood victims there are many other avenues to choose from including Houston Texan football player JJ Watt who has already raised around $15 million and is already distributing aid to victims.   A donation there won't go to some left wing group.


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