The women of Iran's rebellion

Maureen Callahan:


"I do not know a single woman who is pro these laws," says a 29-year-old Iranian woman, who has lived in the US for the past 11 years. "They are not as bad as the Taliban, but it's all relative."


Under Ahmedinejad, Iranian women must cover their heads and their bodies at all times. They cannot file for divorce, travel without their husband's permission, attend sporting events, smoke a hookah. Beauty salons are outlawed, and the ones that exist are run like speakeasies. (Men have never been able, or really willing, to outlaw vanity.) Once she turns 13, a girl can be conscripted into marriage. Even public transportation is segregated.

No wonder they are rebelling. The abusive treatment toward women is enforced by the Iran sex cops who want to make them wear funny clothes and cover the hair to prevent sex rays from driving them crazy, which would be a redundancy anyway.


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