Utah wants to place Texas cult kids with their polygamists

NY Times:

Utah’s attorney general, Mark L. Shurtleff, sat before a room of perhaps 400 people, most of them fundamentalist polygamists, at a town hall meeting here on Thursday night. He asked for a show of hands. How many people, he wanted to know, were related to the children who were seized last month in a raid in Texas in an investigation of possible marriage and abuse of child brides?

Scores of hands shot up. Then Mr. Shurtleff asked his follow-up: How many of you would be willing to take those children into your homes? Without a moment’s hesitation, the same hands rose.

“We think it would be wonderful if that were to happen, and we’re going to continue to try to encourage that,” Mr. Shurtleff said, as the room exploded with applause.

The raid in Eldorado, Tex., was not formally on the agenda here, and neither was the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or F.L.D.S., the sect at the heart of the Texas case. And never mind the question, for the moment, of whether foster placements from Texas into polygamist homes in Utah would ever actually happen for any of the 462 children seized in the Texas raid.


I think his idea is ridiculous. It would be placing them back in an environment dominated by pedophiles. It would be counter to the theory Texas had for taking them in the first place. It has to be one of the silliest ideas surfaced so far on this matter. It also is a good indicator of why Utah has had so little success in getting rid of these kooks.


  1. yes Mark you did a right thing, and its really an unfair practice to abuse children

    Utah Drug Treatment


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