Terrorist aiding Times Two

Hugh Hewitt:


You cannot balance what you have not weighed, and you cannot weigh what you cannot measure.

Neither of the Times Two possesses the capacity, background, experience or learning to judge the extent of the assistance they have rendered terrorists.

No “expert” they could consult would be in a position to contradict the government’s strong assertions of the danger they were putting innocents in via their recklessness.


The picture that has emerged after a week is of two for-profit newspapers, eager for Pulitizers and aware of the other’s hunt for a headline, disregarding the urgent arguments of senior government officials and running a story on a program only dimly if at all understood by some (and by no stretch of the imagination all) terrorists, the result of which is to alert the world and even the below-average-intelligence killer of one key way the United States tracks them.

The Indonesian master terrorist Hambali was captured through the SWIFT program. He was apprehended in August of 2003, months after a general commitment to following the money was announced and even some obscure references to SWIFT had made their way into print, proving that even if you know the city is looking for speeders, it doesn’t mean every scofflaw knows where the speed traps and cameras are located.

The impossibility of these career scribblers really comprehending what damage they were doing is obvious, and it leads us to the error that has propelled the Times Two over the cliff: False pride.

These teams of journalists have somehow persuaded themselves that their undergraduate educations and their frequent flyer balances have transformed them into wise and learned assayers of truth. How laughable. None has ever held a security clearance. Publicly available bios assure us that Keller, Baquet, McManus et al are simple products of a closed culture of liberal newsrooms, where travel is presumed to bring knowledge and reporting understanding.

The biggest fraud in this story is the suggestion that Keller et al actually understand counterterrorism, the terror network, and the operation of SWIFT. The casual acknowledgment by McManus that assistance to the terrorists via publication was “conceivable,” was shocking, but not really as shocking as the arrogant dismissal by Eric Lichtblau of the government’s claims of risk. Lichtblau, a 1987 graduate of Cornell, is out on the speaker’s circuit making bucks off of his claims to know what the government is up to, but his resume is two decades of asking questions and writing up competing accounts of the truth. His schtick appears to be to minimize every concern that gets in the way of his paycheck....


For the first time in American history, major media outlets have published classified information that they have been warned will directly assist our enemies. They did so having concluded –on a basis undisclosed to the public—that the dangers were either overstated or non-existent.

There is no stopping such recklessness except by locating the oath-breaking criminals who betray secrets.


What is it about these people that makes them think they are smarter or have more information than the people who are responsible for making the decisions on whether something should be declassified. Have liberals decided that they are so much smarter than the rest of the world that when their view point is rejected by the voters, they will try to userp the functions of government in fighting a war? Only liberals could think it is smart to disclose the sources and methods for gathering intelligence against our enemies in a time of war. They then act like a bumbling Cedric the Entertainer trying to tell his date that knocking a port-a-potty over with her in it is not so bad.


  1. one of the most basic traits of lefties is that they DO think they know betteer than the people.

    that's why they favor elites/politburos over the free market.


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