House cuts off funds to sanctuary cities

Houston Chronicle:

Local officials continued to debate police policy toward illegal immigrants Thursday after the U.S. House passed a Houston lawmaker's measure that would cut off federal crime-fighting money to cities with sanctuary policies.

The House overwhelmingly approved a spending bill containing an amendment by U.S. Rep. John Culberson, R-Houston, intended to force state and local authorities to get more involved with immigration enforcement — or risk losing millions in federal grants.

In a news release on his amendment, Culberson listed Houston among cities that "have adopted sanctuary policies which prevent law enforcement officers from inquiring about immigration status."

Mayor Bill White, Police Chief Harold Hurtt and the top federal official charged with local immigration enforcement maintain the city doesn't have a sanctuary policy.

Responding to that assertion Thursday, Culberson said, "If they are in compliance with the law, and they can prove it to the Justice Department, then they don't have anything to worry about."

The Congressional Research Service, a nonpartisan research arm of the House and Senate, in 2004 included Houston among sanctuary cities.

Culberson said the amendment passed Thursday, and others he has attached to unrelated spending bills, are necessary to combat the government's "widespread and systematic refusal to protect our border and enforce the immigration laws."

The measure won't become law unless it is approved by the Senate, which is set to debate a similar bill later this summer, and signed by President Bush.


This is a good idea. It shows some seriousness about the rule of law when it comes to immigration matters. That is something those cities who act as sanctuaries certainly do not. It should make them take a closer look at the cost of this policy that undermines the nations immigration laws. If they provide services to people that are here illegally they should be obligated to notify immigration authorities of their illegal presence.


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