Liberals need to admit they have been wrong about Iraq

David Limbaugh:

It is amusing to watch liberals try to explain away the recent upswing in President Bush's approval rating, from around 39 percent to 47 percent. Sure enough, they've figured a way to attribute the turnaround to a validation of their positions rather than his policies.

They are promoting the idea that President Bush's popularity increase is due to his admission of "mistakes" on Iraq. But this is merely wishful thinking.

Ever since President Bush attacked Iraq, Democrats have been castigating him for doing it and for how he's handled the operation every step of the way. After all, their best political hope is either that we fail in Iraq or, if we succeed, that they can somehow taint the effort from its inception by showing he lied to get us into an unnecessary and costly war.

Their persistence finally paid off as the public -- treated to almost exclusively negative reporting from the mainstream media (MSM) along with the Democrats' ceaseless naysaying -- grew nervous about the war and lost some confidence in President Bush.

Alas, the worm is turning. Despite all their propaganda to the contrary, the burgeoning Iraqi constitutional republic in the heart of the Arab Middle East -- as a direct result of the president's policies -- is a profoundly positive development.

And to the Democrats' and MSM's everlasting frustration, President Bush has stubbornly refused to admit he lied about WMD for the simple reason that he didn't. So what are these poor liberals to do when things are starting to go north for Iraq and President Bush and south for them?

Well, one option would be to admit they were wrong. They're particularly fond of demanding the president admit his mistakes. So why don't they just concede he wasn't lying about WMD and that his vision for Iraq appears to be paying off?

The answer is that it would render them even more irrelevant and further diminish their political prospects. A better solution would be to pretend the president's turnaround vindicates their policies rather than his.


Read it all. There are others things liberals need to admit they were wrong about. How about missile defense? Their argument that doing way with the ABM treaty would lead to a new arms race was totally wrong. There arugment that missile defense would not work is discredited by successful tests. There are many more items but this is a start.


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