Euros not too good at sticking to Kyota agreement


The UK is almost alone in Europe in honouring Kyoto pledges to cut greenhouse gases, a think-tank claims.

Ten of 15 European Union signatories will miss the targets without urgent action, the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) found.

The countries include Ireland, Italy and Spain.

France, Greece and Germany are given an "amber warning" and will not reach targets unless they put planned policies into action, the IPPR said.

Only Sweden would join the UK in meeting their commitments, the think-tank's study found.

IPPR associate director Tony Grayling said: "We are nearing the point of no return on climate change.

"We have very little time left to start reducing global greenhouse gas emissions before irreparable damage is done.


At that point the sky will fall. However the greannhouse gasses theory is still being contested. Recent studies suggest that cleaner air is allowing more heat from the sun to reach earth, thereby causing it to warm. The greenhouse gases may have actually kept the earth cooler. The Scotsman reports:

MANY of the European nations responsible for coercing the United States to remain committed to combating climate change are named and shamed today as major polluters of the environment.



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