Trump approval hits 54%

 DC Daily Journal:


The Harvard Center for American Political Studies (CAPS)/Harris poll of registered voters found that 54% approve of Trump, compared to 40% who disapprove. Six percent remain undecided.

This represents a remarkable turnaround from January 2021, when Trump’s approval rating was a record-low 34% as he left office following his first term.

The poll also highlights Trump’s broadening appeal across key voter demographics. According to The Hill, Trump enjoys approval from 91% of Republicans, nearly half (49%) of independents, and an eye-opening 22% of Democrats — this despite relentless negative coverage of his Cabinet picks by corporate media outlets.

“Almost three-quarters of Democrats and about 40 percent of independents said they disapprove of the president-elect,” The Hill noted. Even so, the polling signals notable inroads into traditionally Democratic voter bases.

The survey reveals a dramatic realignment in voter preferences by age. While seniors remain the only group where disapproval outweighs approval, majorities of Americans aged 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, and 45-54 support Trump. A plurality of those aged 55-64 also approve.

As The Hill points out, this trend challenges the longstanding assumption that younger voters overwhelmingly lean Democratic. In fact, exit polls from the 2024 presidential election showed younger voters shifting significantly toward Trump.

While I would be considered a "senior" voter, I continue to support Trump.  His presidency was clearly superior to that of Biden.  Inflation was under control under Trump and the economy was more prosperous.  The world was also more peaceful. I think more voters now realize that electing Biden was a mistake that was largely helped by a biased media.


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