Bill Clinton is being honest about Dem defeat

 The Federalist Wire:


While the Republicans did not exactly reach their own expectations for the U.S. House control, the fact remains that there’s no silver-lining for the Democrats after the way they lost control of the entirety of Congress and the White House. Some mainstream media talking heads are trying to play damage control and save face for the Democrats, but anyone who is being honest knows that it was a gut punch for the Democrats.

Just ask former Democrat President Bill Clinton, who was out on the campaign trail for Kamala Harris. In a new interview with MSNBC, he called it like it is, pointing out how out of touch the Democrats are. He confessed that the American people are “not even being heard”, while adding some odd comments about conservative media.

In a recent interview with MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart, former President Bill Clinton expressed concern about the Democratic Party’s visibility and effectiveness in the 2024 presidential campaign. He lamented that the “zillions of new websites” have created an environment where Democrats are “not even being heard,” particularly in rural areas, where he believes the party is struggling to connect with voters.

Clinton noted that while former President Donald Trump had secured the necessary 270 electoral votes by November 6 and Republicans had gained seats in the Senate, the Democratic Party’s message seemed to be lost on large swaths of the electorate.

“Politics is the only business in which you can prove your authenticity by not knowing anything,” Clinton remarked, criticizing the political climate where candidates can gain traction despite a lack of expertise. He stressed that this was a significant issue for the Democrats as well, urging them to find ways to communicate more effectively with voters in order to rebuild trust.

I suspect most people heard their message and just did not like it.  There was also the fact that the Biden-Harris administration took a robust economy and managed to screw it up with the highest inflation in decades and every time voters went to the grocery store and gas station or tried to buy a vehicle they were reminded of the screw-up. 

See also:

Why Were Liberal Pollsters So Far Off… Again?


Instead of measuring reality, most of these polling “experts” are reporting on what they want you to think reality is. That’s because Big Polling is just as much part of the Left’s disinformation complex as MSNBC, the Atlantic, or any other front group for the Democratic Party.

The Capital Research Center’s Ken Braun has done an admirable job tracking just how far off these “agents of influence” were in Trump’s latest tussle with the lefty media’s latest Democrat darling, Kamala Harris. (Spoiler alert: CNN, NBC, and the New York Times were off by as much as 9.2 percentage points in their predictions for Kamala.)


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