NFL OK with players doing the Trump dance in end zone celebrations

 Red State:


They fined San Francisco 49ers star Nick Bosa $11,255 earlier in November for flashing his MAGA hat to the cameras after a victory, though. Since then, players around the league have been breaking into the “Trump dance” after scoring. Would the league consider that defiance? It was hard to know how they would react: would they pander to the triggered Dems and leftists in the crowd? Would they revert to their No-Fun League days?

Turns out, they’re fine with it. “'There’s no issue with a celebratory dance such as what took place yesterday or the previous week with the 49ers,” an NFL spokesperson told Front Office Sports.

However, networks can cover the moment however they want to, meaning they can turn their cameras away if they feel viewers will be traumatized by watching grown men having fun. “It’s up to the networks to cover them as they see fit,” the spokesman said.

It looks like they are having fun which is what football should be about. 


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