Democrats losing the working class

 Daily Torch:

The recent presidential election served as one of the strongest rejections of the globalist political regime advanced by the ruling elites in recent history. President Donald Trump’s sweeping victory against regime pick Kamala Harris was achieved through a coalition of working-class Americans that transcended race and gender and began to melt the rural-urban divide.

Trump’s victory united Americans around a populist, America First economic message, and created a unified working-class. From cities to small towns, Americans have vehemently rejected the draconian globalist agenda of endless war, open borders, and cheap foreign labor.

According to data from AP VoteCast, Democrats’ share of the non-college vote fell from 47 percent in 2020 – already well below what they earned in previous elections – to just 43 percent this year. On the other end of the spectrum, Harris performed well with college educated voters, earning 56 percent of their vote.

When broken down by income, Democrats’ share of the working-class vote dwindled further. Harris suffered a six-point decline among Americans making under $50,000 per year compared to Biden in 2020. She won close to what Biden did among Americans grossing over $100,000 a year, losing a single percentage point.

Democrats have become the party of the rich.  You can see not just in which voters they go but also in the donor class as Democrats lost despite outspending Trump by millions of dollars. 


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