Democrat Starlink paranoia

 Rick Moran:


Some on the left ridiculed the notion that Italian satellites would be able to hack American voting machines. I wonder what they're saying today about the fantastical election-denying theory that Elon Musk's Starlink satellite internet service was used to "tabulate" votes in swing states. "Swing states were able to use Starlink in order to tally up and to count ballot votes, or voting ballots, in their state," claimed TikTok user Etheria77 in a video.

Starlink terminals are unable to "tabulate" anything, but the video has gotten almost 5 million views and remarkably, even mainstream news outlets have felt the need to debunk the theory.

Starlink terminals "were used by election officials in some states to improve internet connectivity at rural polling locations," writes Alex Demas at The Bulwark. "Starlink is not a tabulation system and was not used to count or transmit votes in the swing states."

Of course, it wasn't. But the Starlink theory is only one of several conspiracy theories that are being promoted by the left.

Left-wing pundits claim that the Starlink theory is being promoted by "fringe" leftists. That's OK; mainstream Democrats have been promoting conspiracy theories about Russia and Trump for a decade and have yet to disavow their idiotic conclusions.

What makes the Starlink conspiracy theory so ludicrous is that most voting machines are not connected to the internet....

Democrats would be wise to accept the fact that they lost because of the weakness of the Biden regime and the weakness of Kamala Harris as a nominee. The people who pushed the Russian collusion hoax have no business blaming Elon Musk or Starlink for their richly deserved loss in 2024.

See also:

Trump attending Starship launch really highlights how poorly the Biden admin managed their relationship with Elon. You have the world's most talented engineer, business man, and entrepreneur in America and you actively demonized him in public. Shockingly idiotic in hindsight.


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