The importance of the Gaetz nomination

 Athena Thorne:


Perhaps Gaetz's most important experience is as the target of the Biden administration's weaponized DOJ. That department is in desperate need of discipline, cleansing, and reform. Its wanton use of armed raids on the homes of political enemies from pro-life demonstrators to journalists to a past president, its ceaseless quest for dirt on Orange Man Bad, its ludicrous judicial discretionary decisions, and more make it the poster child for a Trumpian reset come January.

The DOJ lost its way under the Biden administration.  It needs to get back to law enforcement instead of going after political rivals.  Its attacks on Trump were disgraceful. 

See also:

June 4, 2024, GAETZ vs GARLAND. Matt Gaetz grills Merrick Garland over DOJ targeting of Trump, coordination with Bragg/Willis and Judge Merchan’s daughter profiting off the prosecution. "A target is acquired here, Trump. And then you assemble the legal talent from DOJ and you bring everybody in to get him." This is 5 minutes of pure hell for Garland, who had previously called the idea of DOJ coordinated lawfare against Trump a “conspiracy theory." It’s little wonder DC is in a total panic over the possibility of Gaetz as AG.
1:55 / 5:01


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