The zombie votes in Wisconsin


Peter Bernegger
At some point in the future, we will have more dead people on the voter registration list than there are living adults in the state of Wisconsin. Surprise ending. The one image shows the Wisconsin Election Commission's website as of this morning. With over 8 million registrants on it. Roughly 850,000 are dead. We only have about 4.7 million adults in the state. It doesn't matter if Active or Inactive status as they first are all in the exact same database. Second, they can be quickly flipped back and forth. It costs a lot of taxpayer money to maintain an ever-expanding database. Our voter registration list is mixed in with all the other state databases: so hunting and fishing licenses of the DNR, cows testing reports from Ag, State Police reports, yep, all mixed in housed on 50 computer servers. I have it in writing from the Wisconsin Dept. of Administration (their DET division). This is the brainchild design of Meagan Wolfe, the squatter at the Wisconsin Election Commission. She was the Commission's Director of IT beforehand. Her degree is in English.
The kicker is that if we return to voter ID and paper ballots, dead people will have a harder time voting. If…


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