The Democrat campaign to criminalize political opponents

 This is evidence that Democrats are the real threat to democracy.

Insurrection Barbie
They put Bannon in prison. They put Navarro in prison. They are trying to bankrupt Gateway Pundit. They indicted the CFO of Epoch Times. They are investigating Elon Musk. They are trying to put Donald Trump in prison. They are trying to disbar Jeff Clark. They disbarred John Eastman and debanked him. They arrested the doctor who blew the whistle that a Texas hospital was illegally performing gender reassignment surgeries on minors. They indicted and disbarred Rudy Giuliani. They spied on Catholic Churches. They put concerned parents who went to school board meetings on the FBI watchlists. They imprisoned 1500 protestors, most first time nonviolent offenders. But Donald Trump is going to weaponize the government to go after his enemies?


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