Ohio upholds law to stop foreign interference in elections

 American Action News:

Ohio just marked a major win ahead of Election Day. The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of a recently passed law that prevents foreign nationals from directly or indirectly bankrolling Ohio ballot issue campaigns. The ruling ensures that, for now, foreign nationals are banned from financing campaigns to change the state’s constitution, something they have had the license to do for far too long.

The ruling came not a moment too soon. Foreign-tied funding is being used in Ohio right now to push a ballot measure with national ramifications.

Issue 1 — up for a vote next month — is nothing less than a liberal power grab by Washington, D.C. dark money groups who want Ohioans to elect more Democrats. Their solution: rig the rules and redraw legislative maps that guarantee more liberals get elected. Issue 1’s backers are resolute on using every method at their disposal, including millions in funding from abroad, to guarantee that their side wins. If they succeed, the results could decide which party controls Congress in 2026, even before the 2024 election is over.

Here is how they plan to carry out their scheme.

Issue 1 would dismantle Ohio’s voter-approved protections against gerrymandering and impose an unelected, unaccountable commission on Ohioans. This commission’s mandate would allow them to retool and redraw the state’s maps to guarantee certain numbers of Democrats and Republicans are elected, almost no matter what. Every district would have to be drawn to favor one of the two largest political parties, even if that means carving up whole communities and towns to do it.

This whole system is modeled off of Michigan’s failed redistricting commission. The first time that commission drew Michigan’s maps, federal judges determined them to be in violation of the U.S. Constitution and minority voters’ civil rights. But that commission did what liberals wanted: it handed control of Michigan’s legislature to Democrats. Now, partisan activists are spending millions to impose this same kind of power grab on Buckeye State voters.

 Some Democrats act like only Democrats are allowed to win elections.  This is the opposite of true democracy.  Some Democrats are acting like totalitarian despots.


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