Goofball Democrats




So, according to the Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro, Elon Musk can't give away money to US citizens, but the government can give away taxpayer money to iIIegals?

The Democrats are trying to use illegals to thwart US democracy.  They want to import voters to win elections. 

See also:

ELECTION: The Soros family has funneled billions into U.S. political campaigns without facing any scrutiny from Governor Josh Shapiro. Yet, the moment Elon Musk's SuperPAC starts offering a $1 million daily reward to registered voters signing a petition in support of free speech and gun rights, Shapiro threatens to launch a criminal investigation. The difference? Soros' contributions benefit Democrat politicians, while Musk’s money goes to a different lucky voter each day.


Speaker Mike Johnson
Just this week a Democrat-leaning publication called Trump “Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin” all rolled into one. Leading Dems in DC have said even worse. Is it a surprise that such rhetoric leads unstable people to violence? The constant lies about Trump are dangerous.


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