Harris losing support of young Black men

 DC Daily Journal:


The Democrats’ grip on historically reliably blue voters is loosening. We’re seeing a number of key demographics slip out of their hands and start to shift over to the Trump campaign and in support of various Republicans running in local elections. This includes blue-collar union workers, racial minorities, and suburban women.

In particular, young black men are simply not giving Kamala Harris much support at all. They’re supporting Donald Trump at a level unlike any Republican president has seen in the history of modern American politics. It’s unprecedented and causing panic to set in for Kamala Harris and her Democrat allies, even those in the mainstream media.
“I look at the polls all the time and sometimes there’s a trend line, now, I never noticed before and make me go, ‘Woah.’ This is one of them. Alright, this is the Democratic margin among black men under the age of 45 in presidential elections. You go back to November of 2012, what do you see? You see Obama by 81, [former Secretary of State] Hillary Clinton only won ’em by 63,” Enten noted. “Then we’re all the way down to [President Joe] Biden last time around by 53. A tremendous drop already. And then you take a look at the average of the most recent polls and Kamala Harris is up by only 41 points.”

I suspect that they are giving a majority of their votes to Trump because the economy was so much better for them in the Trump economy which created more good-paying jobs.  They are also intelligent enough to recognize that Kamala Harris is just not that intelligent or skilled when it comes to leadership.  All she really has going for her is the Democrat election machine.


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