Support for Trump's position on trans athletes in women sports

 Piers Morgan:

Sometimes, Donald Trump hits the common-sense nail smack-bang on the head.

After years of cowardly public officials pathetically tiptoeing around the increasingly farcical, and grotesquely unfair, issue of biologically male trans athletes competing in women’s sports, the former and quite possibly next president of the US spat out a potentially very consequential truth bomb.

“You just ban it,” he said during a Fox News town hall on Wednesday, to huge cheers from the audience. “The president bans it. You just don’t let it happen.”

And frankly, if I were an American woman wondering which way to vote on Nov. 5, amid a constant bombardment of Democratic claims that Trump wants to destroy women’s rights, that single moment in this presidential race might tip me his way.

Because it’s the only solution to what has become an existential crisis in women’s sports.

I think it is unfair for men to compete against women.  If it were not there would be no need to have different competitions between the two.  While I enjoy watching women's sports I don't enjoy seeing them abused.


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