US energy succeeded despite Biden-Harris

The Biden-Harris attempt to throttle US energy production and push for the disastrous Big Green agenda has fortunately failed.

“We have had the largest increase in domestic oil production in history because of an approach that recognizes that we cannot over rely on foreign oil.” Yeah. And you had nothing to do with. At all. In just four years, you and POTUS created the single worst regulatory and legislative environment in our industry's 160 year history. You've put into place 250 separate actions designed to put us out of business. You wanted to put our CEOs in jail, confiscate our capital and prevent our investors from getting any return. And while we were digging ourselves of the hole you put the economy in, through the summer of 2022, you and your boss went and shook the tin cup at OPEC "please give us more..." To you - Saudi and Venezuelan crude is great - and US or Canadian crude is bad. And in spite of all that - we worked around you, over you and have beat your team. Now you want to take credit for what we did in spite of you. Not gonna let it happen.


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