The left's 'end of democracy' BS

 Jim Thompson:

A few days ago, I wrote a story about CBS reporting that FEMA had pulled back teams in North Carolina, partly because of an email from one park ranger claiming armed gangs of good old boys were out “a-huntin’” FEMA Feds. Of course, there was no such thing. Gangs of Appalachians' huntin' for Feds was about as likely as Jussie Smollett being attacked by two MAGA-hat-wearing thugs who happened to have a noose and a bottle of bleach at 2 a.m. in the middle of a Chicago snowstorm. 

No sane person believed that sort of nonsense. Well, Kamala Harris did, which gives us a hint into her critical thinking skills. Kool-Aid-drinking Democrat cultists believe those stories because the priests of their religion have told them it’s true. Cultists never have to think -- they just need to believe. That’s how cultists roll. The congregation believes that, if elected, Trump will cause the “end of democracy.” The end of civilizations. The Donald will don a Darth Vader costume and start a reign of terror, or something. The sane can laugh about it, but cultists actually do believe that. 

They believe that Trump will morph into Adolf, Vlad the Terrible, Mussolini, or a combination of all the dictators over time. Cultists believe that nonsense because they have been attending cult services for so long that they don’t need to critically assess claims for the “how” or “why.” It’s a given that it will happen, and they believe. Who preaches to them? Who tells them Smollett was a victim, toothless Hatfields and McCoys are huntin’ Feds, or democracy will crash and burn if Trump is elected? Talking heads of media are their high priests. I could cite dozens if not hundreds of examples of hyperventilating talking heads warning us that the end is nigh if Trump is elected. Molly Jong-Fast warns of the coming apocalypse in Vanity Fair....


She goes on to say, "It’s hard to fathom, but there’s a world where Trump imitates his strongman friends like Vladimir Putin or Viktor Orbán or Kim Jong Un—all of whom participate in jailing or killing journalists in countries with state-regulated media."

Molly also laments that Trump will round up illegal aliens and deport them, claiming that that would be like the internment of Japanese Americans during WWII. Pro Tip Molly, your Democrat hero—FDR—was the president who illegally rounded up US citizens.  


The US has had laws against illegal immigration for decades.  Most countries do.  Trump is not unique in enforcing those laws.  It has only been recently that Democrats have decided to ignore those laws.  The Biden-Harris regime has become a notorious scofflaw when it comes to immigration enforcement.  The Democrats have become infested with "true believers" with Trump derangement syndrome.  Under the Biden-Harris regime, somewhere between six million and twenty million illegal immigrants have invaded the US displacing low-skilled workers and leading to a housing shortage.  Democrats support this invasion because they see the illegals as potential Democrat voters.

See also:

Mornings with Maria

We have taxpayer dollars that are going to NGO's at the border that instruct illegals how to cross the border and register to vote: Rep. Nancy Mace


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