Some with Trump paranoia plan move to Canada


“This is not 2016 or 2020,” Kamala Harris said here Friday, on a campaign swing through this battleground state. “The stakes are even higher this time.”

But for Michigan Democrats listening, it’s sure starting to feel like a repeat of those two earlier races — all the way down to threats to move across the border to Canada should Donald Trump pull off what to them is inconceivable: Winning on Nov. 5.

As they watched Harris hammer Trump in a park framed by foliage in full color, hoisting their phones to snap photos of her and pining to hear Beyonce’s “Freedom” when Harris walked out, nearly 20 Democrats who spoke to POLITICO conceded that what was once a brat summer had faded into a plodding autumn.

The uneasy Democrats are now wrapping their heads around how the race became this impossibly close — and what they might do if Trump, currently leading within the margin of error here according to an average of public surveys, pulls this off.

Anxiety — and honest-to-God fear— has replaced joy on the trail for fretful Democrats 18 days out. Harris didn’t even say the word in her remarks. Instead, she described at least three times a “fight.”

“The election is here right now,” Harris said. “We have to energize and organize and mobilize and remind our neighbors and our friends that their vote is their voice.”

And not long after she walked off stage, voters here were contemplating what they would do not just in the days before they make it to the ballot box, but after if their preferred outcome didn’t materialize.

Some were weighing voting with their feet.

“Oh, God, she has to win: I don’t want to live in a Trumpian hellscape,” said Erin Conklin, a 62-year-old retired homemaker and artist. “We might have to leave: Canada, if they’ll take us.”

This looks and sounds like insanity.  The Trump presidency was the opposite of a hellscape.  Unlike the Biden-Harris regime, Trump was not putting his political opponents in jail.  The world was actually more peaceful under Trump and inflation was more under control.  I blame Democrat leaders for this Trump paranoia.  They are so desperate to cling to power that they are trying to frighten their voters into showing up.

See also:

Freak-Out: Kamala Voters in MI Panicking, Threaten to Leave the US If Trump Wins


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