Inside the migrant crisis

 David Strom:


Being politically obsessed, we tend to focus on the political motivations that have driven the Democrats to import millions of migrants into the United States. We think of redistricting, illegal votes, the rush to make migrants citizens, and, of course, the damage being done to American communities done by importing criminal aliens.

But there is another angle we don't talk about enough: the massive amounts of money sloshing around being directed at politically connected people. We are spending a LOT of money on the migrant crisis, and lots of people are making bank.
Our transnational elite has intentionally caused a massive humanitarian crisis both for the migrants themselves, who brave enormous dangers, get raped and murdered along the way, abused by cartels, and sex trafficked. American citizens are suffering a crime wave, lowered wages, and a general decline in the quality of life with the influx of migrants.

There is more at the link above.  Democrats have unleashed this depraved market in human trafficking because they think I will eventually benefit them.  It probably does not benefit the country or many of the victims of this scam.   See also.


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