The Biden family business

 Federalist Wire:


A central focus of the committee’s work has been its investigation into the Biden family’s financial dealings. Comer’s report claims that between 2014 and the present, Biden family members and their associates received more than $27 million from foreign individuals or entities. The committee further alleges that the Bidens used shell companies to hide these payments from scrutiny, which the White House has dismissed as an “evidence-free, politically-motivated” investigation.

Alongside this, Comer co-led the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, accusing him of “impeachable conduct” and abusing his office to enrich his family. The Oversight Committee, in collaboration with the House Judiciary and Ways & Means Committees, concluded that Biden had engaged in corruption, particularly by facilitating influence-peddling involving foreign entities from China, Russia, and other nations.

As a result of these investigations, criminal referrals were made to the Department of Justice, recommending charges against Hunter Biden and James Biden for making false statements to Congress.

While the Biden family denies the allegations, it is not clear whether they deny that they did it or that it was illegal.  In my experience, bank records do tell a story that is hard to deny.  

In my early days as a lawyer, I prosecuted several fraud cases including a case where three members of a bond dealer were indicted and convicted in a case involving bonds of dubious value being sold to returning POWs who had been shot down over North Vietnam.  In one of those cases, the jury imposed the maximum sentence under Texas law.

The Bidens should explain why foreign individuals and entities were giving them millions of dollars.


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