The vicious Trump attacks

 DC Daily Journal:


Over the past several decades, there’s hardly anyone who has been targeted with as much unnecessary hate than former President Donald Trump. Yes, he does have a strong fan base, but he also has enemies that are willing to literally do anything to prevent him from accomplishing anything at all.

Even some self-proclaimed “Republicans” would rather let Democrats have major political stage wins rather than support Donald Trump in his America First agenda. These RINOs have been a thorn in the side of Mr. Trump ever since he started his 2016 campaign.

The 2024 election is looking like it will come down between former President Trump and incumbent Democrat President Biden, and you would think with how bad the Biden presidency has been that Republicans would come to their senses to help Trump cross the finish line. But there’s new reports coming out of “Republican” groups who are spending millions on election ads that are anti-Trump.

A self-styled Republican group advocating for democracy has recently launched a substantial ad campaign opposing former President Donald Trump, attracting considerable media attention. Despite their Republican branding, the group has a history of receiving substantial funding from Democrat-aligned donors.

Newsweek, The Hill, The Center Square, and the Indianapolis Star have reported on the efforts of Republicans for the Rule of Law, a group running a $2 million ad campaign against Trump’s claims of presidential immunity in the face of prosecution for alleged election interference. These reports, however, omit the group’s ties to Democrat-aligned funding sources. Republicans for the Rule of Law operates under Defending Democracy Together, a political nonprofit significantly funded by dark money groups with Democratic affiliations.

This organization is part of a broader trend where liberal donors finance groups to propagate the narrative of Republican opposition to Trump. One such organization, the Republican Accountability PAC, is executing a $50 million “Republican Voters Against Trump” campaign. Notably, nearly 75% of the PAC’s funding in 2023 originated from just six major Democratic donors.

The Republican Accountability PAC is led by Sarah Longwell, who also serves as the executive director of Defending Democracy Together. This group claims to be an advocacy organization founded by lifelong conservatives and Republicans aiming to preserve the Republican Party’s integrity. Longwell also holds the executive director position at Republicans for the Rule of Law, as stated in a press release from the group.

Significant funding for Defending Democracy Together comes from the Sixteen Thirty Fund, an advocacy organization managed by Arabella Advisors, which contributed over $10.8 million between 2020 and 2022, according to tax filings. The Sixteen Thirty Fund has historically supported Democratic electoral efforts through extensive financial backing of left-of-center voter mobilization initiatives and pro-Democrat PACs, as reported by Politico.

Additionally, the Hopewell Fund, also managed by Arabella Advisors, donated $75,000 to the group in 2018, according to tax records.

Trump was a successful businessman for years and Democrats liked him before he ran for office as a Republican.  Then they started making up ridiculous charges against him.  The Bragg case in New York is a case in point.  It makes zero sense and is only going forward because it is in a Democrat hotbed with partisan animus against Trump.  It is also being pushed by the Biden administration which is desperate to cling to power and is trailing in the polls.  It is also notable that Trump supporters are not buying this bad-faith prosecution. 

Trump's term in office saw inflation contained and no wars.  Under Biden we are suffering some of the worst in inflation in decades and he is throwing billions at a war in Europe and another in the Middle EAst both of which would have been unlikely under Trump.


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