Denver sending Illegals to Utah

 American Action News:

The self-described sanctuary city of Denver, Colorado is quietly paying for illegal immigrants to travel to Utah, according to Republican Utah Governor Spencer J. Cox.

Without the approval or advance knowledge of local officials, Denver has been paying for migrants to relocate to other places, including Utah, where approximately 2,000 have been sent, 2KUTV News reported Thursday. Cox said Friday the practice is “unacceptable” and a result of the Biden administration’s immigration policies.

“We recently learned that the Democrat mayor of Denver has been sending illegal immigrants to Utah without proper notification or approval,” Republican Utah Governor Spencer J. Cox wrote Friday on X. “This is completely unacceptable and follows on the failed catch-and-release policy of the Biden administration.”

Cox wrote that Utah’s resources “are completely depleted.” His office told Fox 13 News they learned about the city sending migrants on May 13.

They should be sent to Democrat-controlled areas until Bidne comes to his senses if he still has any and starts controlling the border like Trump did. 


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