Leftist anxiety about Trump winning

DC Daily Journal:

Leftist activists and legal groups are expressing growing concern over the potential reelection of former President Donald Trump, taking a toll on their mental health, according to a recent New York Times report. This anxiety has spurred a wave of preemptive strategies aimed at countering a possible second Trump administration. Simply put, the Leftist hive-mind is buzzing in a panic that Donald Trump is going to make their worst nightmares come true.

Interviews with over 30 Left-leaning activists and officials revealed a pervasive sense of “acute exhaustion and acute anxiety” as they anticipate the need to oppose Trump’s policies again. Many view his agenda as a significant threat to democracy. This collective apprehension has led a network of nonprofits and Democratic officials to devise plans to thwart Trump’s potential actions on issues like abortion, immigration, and civil service reform.

Patrick Gaspard, head of the CAP Action Fund, the political arm of the liberal Center for American Progress, emphasized the urgency of these preparations. “What Trump and his acolytes are running on is an authoritarian playbook,” he said. “So now we have to democracy-proof our actual institutions and the values that we share.”

The CAP Action Fund and its allies are determined to obstruct Trump’s key policy initiatives if he wins the presidency. Organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the National Immigration Law Center (NILC) are preparing legal and direct action strategies to resist potential immigration enforcement under a second Trump term. Since last fall, NILC has been organizing a network of volunteers across the U.S. to document immigration raids and intervene if legal violations are suspected.

The ACLU has issued a detailed memo outlining its plans to challenge Trump’s immigration proposals through a combination of legal battles, lobbying efforts, and coordination with liberal officials.

The organization intends to argue that mass deportations would violate the Fourth Amendment by necessitating racial profiling and that large-scale detention of undocumented immigrants would breach the Fifth Amendment’s protections against arbitrary detention. Additionally, the ACLU plans to lobby Congress to limit the authority of Customs and Border Protection agents and encourage governors to pardon undocumented immigrants to prevent deportation.

Anticipating potential targeting by the IRS, the ACLU has also enlisted a financial auditing firm to ensure full legal compliance.

Trump’s immigration stance remains popular, with a CBS News/YouGov poll indicating 62% of registered voters, including 53% of Hispanics, support a new program to deport all illegal immigrants. A Decision Desk HQ/NewsNation poll showed 46% of voters favor Trump over Biden for handling border issues.

Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung criticized these preemptive efforts to discredit Trump, calling them a direct threat to democracy and accusing Biden and his allies of undermining the will of the American people.

The left's attempts to criminalize their main political opponent are more reminiscent of the Soviet Union than a defense of democracy.   These look like show trials in Dem districts that are seen by Trump supporters as unfair.  It is bizarre that Democrats think illegal immigration is a form of democracy.  There is nothing authoritarian about just enforcing American laws.

See also:

Trump: Biden Wants to Be 'President for Illegal Aliens'

Republican presumptive nominee Donald Trump shredded President Joe Biden's mass amnesty plan announced earlier Tuesday, telling a rally in Racine, Wisconsin, that Biden "wants to be the president for illegal aliens."

"But I will be the president for law-abiding Americans. Every background and every walk of life; every race, religion, color, and creed; I'll be the president," Trump said to roars from the estimated 20,000 people.


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