Senate Dems want women to register for the draft

 The Hill:

Senate Democrats have added language to the annual defense authorization bill to require women to register for the draft, prompting a backlash from Republicans and social conservatives and complicating the chances of moving the bill on the Senate floor before Election Day.

Conservatives led by Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) are certain to attempt to remove the provision requiring women to register for the draft, which could present a tough vote for Sens. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) and Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.) and other Democrats in tight reelection races.

Republican candidate Sam Brown, who is running against Rosen, is already making it an issue in the Nevada Senate race.

Brown, an Army veteran who was severely burned by an improvised explosive device explosion, slammed Rosen in a video for voting to require women to sign up for the draft.

“Look at my face. This is the high cost of war,” he posted recently on the social platform X.

“Amy and I volunteered to serve, and we honor all who serve,” he wrote, referring to his wife. “But forcing America’s daughters to register for the draft is UNACCEPTABLE. Shame on Jacky Rosen.”

When I was a Marine officer I knew there were women Marines but I don't recall ever coming in contact with any of them.  I had the impression that they had mainly office jobs in the rear.  I don't recall seeing any when I was in Vietnam even when I was working in Marine's communication center.  There was definitely none to be seen when I was Executive Officer of a Marine Rifle Company.  There is little privacy in a combat unit.


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