Biden should be charges as an accessory to the crimes committed by illegals

 NY Post:

Sheriff blasts scourge of migrant crime after alleged serial predator charged with rape, murder of Rachel Morin: ‘Should not be happening’

 A county sheriff in Maryland sounded off on the scourge of migrant crime in the US after charging Salvadoran gang member with the brutal rape and murder of mother-of-five Rachel Morin on a popular hiking trail.


Biden's open borders are allowing criminals into the country to prey on Americans.  He should be held responsible for his dangerous policies.

The Biden administration only cares about locking up its political opponents.

The number of people on planet Earth who were surprised when the DOJ announced that they wouldn’t prosecute Merrick Garland’s contempt charges are ZERO. This is the most partisan DOJ in history. They only care about locking up their political opponents and protecting their own.


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