Arrest in US cities show the danger of Biden's border policy

 Daily Wire:

Eight foreign nationals with suspected ties to ISIS were reportedly arrested in recent days in multiple U.S. cities after they illegally entered the country through the southern border.

The New York Post, which broke the story, cited unnamed “ICE sources,” reporting, “part of the investigation featured a wiretap which revealed one of the now-arrested individuals was talking about bombs.”

Out of the eight suspects, at least two entered the U.S. last spring, and one of those men used the Border Patrol app (CBP One) to claim asylum, sources told NBC.

Critics and immigration hawks say that the app was created by President Joe Biden’s administration to expedite the mass importation of illegal aliens who come to the U.S. primarily for economic opportunities and abuse the asylum system by claiming that they have credible fear for their safety back home, which shields them from deportation.

Personnel from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) made the arrests over the weekend in New York City, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia.

NBC News reported that the eight men were all from Tajikistan. The Post said that among those arrested, at least six were Russian nationals.

The FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force was reportedly monitoring the men after becoming aware of a potential terrorist threat to the U.S. homeland originating out of central Europe, NBC News reported.

Biden's irresponsible border policy is responsible for the threats posed by illegal immigration. 

See also:

Joe Biden’s cynical border politics are putting the US in peril


All he has done from Day One is play politics with immigration, ever since he walked into the Oval Office and rescinded Donald Trump’s border-protection measures with the stroke of a pen: 94 executive actions in the first 100 days.

He killed Trump’s border wall and “Remain in Mexico” policy, stopped deportations and started secretly flying illegal aliens all over the country on charter flights in the middle of the night.


 Harford County Sheriff: We Are 1,800 Miles From The Border And Still Not Safe From The Open Border Policies


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