Dems finally called out on lie about Trump statement

 Federalist Wire:

On June 20, 2024, fact-checking site Snopes finally admitted that the pervasive claim that former President Donald Trump referred to neo-Nazis as “very fine people” was false.This admission comes seven years after the narrative was first widely propagated by Democrats and mainstream media following the August 2017 “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

The Democrats have often tried to distort Trump's statements for political reasons. 

See also:

Mark R. Levin



Dana Bash and her ilk constantly ask where's the evidence tying Biden and the Democrat Party to lawfare against Trump.  Here's evidence of the DNC, which links them to millions in funding law firms to promote lawfare litigation against Trump.  Biden is that head of the DNC.  Nothing of this kind is done without at least Biden being informed about it.  Biden is a mobster.  He uses government resources to register Democrats in violation of the Hatch Act.  He uses tax dollars to buy votes in violation of the Constitution, like the student loan program.  He issues executive orders and his administration issues regulations in furtherance of his radical base's demands.  He lies about everything, including the Hunter laptop, his business activities with Hunter, his use of classified information to secure a massive $8 million book advance, and on and on.  Biden is a diabolical, cynical, unethical person and politician.  That's the beginning and end of it.


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