The crooks in California

Rick Moran:

It's nice to be a criminal in California and know that Democrats in the state legislature have your back.

There's a looting crisis in California. It's so bad that some people are refusing to shop in brick-and-mortar stores anymore. Stores are being redesigned to try and protect stock from the rapacious hands of organized gangs of looters.

The problem is Proposition 47. Passed in 2014, it was meant to reduce the jail population, which Democrats believe is far more important than actually putting criminals inside of jails.

The ballot measure made it a felony to shoplift only if the amount taken exceeded $950. It's a bogus number. In fact, police (rightly) don't devote a lot of resources to finding and prosecuting individual shoplifters.

But criminals saw it as a license to steal. The recent looting incidents involving dozens of young offenders taking tens of thousands of dollars in merchandise have all sides in the debate saying that something must be done.

Democrats are also saying something needs to be done — except change all the beautiful "criminal justice reforms" we made that keep people out of jail.   

This isn't sitting well with the cops or retail businesses that may be insured for the losses but are losing business as a result of the "smash and grab" robberies in the last few years.


Liberalism and the failure to deal properly with criminals are one of the reasons many are leaving the state.  When I graduated from high school back in the early sixties many of my classmates headed to California from South Texas.  Now it appears the trend has reversed and Californians are headed to Texas.  It is a shame to see what liberalism is doing to California.


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